Lidove Noviny, printed in Prague, capital of the Czech Republic, and the country’s oldest daily carried a report on 7 February, 2009 dealing with the rise of anti-Darwinist views in Europe. The article referred to the Atlas of Creation by Adnan Oktar, described as “the Turkish Muslim author Harun Yahya,” as the reason for the spread of belief in Creation in Europe. It also emphasized that voices opposed to Darwin are growing louder in the Czech Republic and that Creationist belief is on the rise.
Oktar Has Targeted the Whole of Europe - 10.02.2009 Canada/La Presse
La Presse, one of Canada’s highest circulation dailies, published in French in Montreal ever since 1884, carried an article describing the rise of belief in Creation in Europe. An article in the 10 February, 2009, issue referred to the impact of Adnan Oktar’s works as follows:
... Adnan Oktar (pen name Harun Yahya) of Turkish origins... the author of 200 documentaries, and 300 books translated into 60 different languages and with 200 web sites. He has succeeded in spreading creationism widely in Turkey... Oktar has targeted the whole of Europe, and is doing this particularly with his showy book called the Atlas of Creation. But he concentrates on France in particular, because if he can make himself accepted in a country with powerful non-religious roots, then he believes his cause will have been successful.
Reports in the French press say that belief in Creation is spreading widely, despite all the obstacles. Teachers are reporting difficult moments in class in the face of anti-Darwin objections. Darwinist-materialist circles are literally in mourning over the way the French have lost with a single book – the Atlas of Creation - a philosophy they have espoused for 150 years.
You can watch some of the reports from the European press regarding the collapse of Darwinism here.
Harun Yahya Is the Global Leader of Muslim Creationism - 07.02.2009 France/Le Monde
On 7 February, 2009, Le Monde, one of France’s best known dailies, carried an article titled “A Move against Religion.” The report in the paper, which has a circulation of around 400,000, once again raised the impact in France of the Atlas of Creation, and described the reaction of French students to the theory of evolution being taught in classes:
Adam is described in the Qur’an as being created from earth, and the majority of Muslims believe that Adam and Eve existed in Paradise before coming to Earth. That is why the theory of evolution is seldom taught in Muslim countries. Even in France the great majority of young Muslims share that view and make the following statement when they learn about the theory of evolution in schools: “I AM WRITING WHAT THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION SAYS HERE, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THE COURSE DEMANDS, BUT I DO NOT BELIEVE IT…”
Moving on to the subject of Creationism… HARUN YAHYA, the famous Turkish author of the Atlas of Creation distributed in France… THE GLOBAL LEADER OF MUSLIM CREATIONISM…
An Islamic view to the effect that many scientific discoveries are written in the Qur’an has emerged in an intensive manner. One can come across such statements in French and English on the television, in books and on web sites. These popular opinions attract the interest of the young in particular… One senior political figure made the following statement during a conference in Algeria: “A significant number of researchers and scientists agree that their findings are also to be found in the Qur’an.”
Creationists in Europe Are Increasingly Making Their Voices Heard - 25.02.2009 Germany/Spiegel Online
Spiegel Online, a leading German news portal attracting more than 90 million visits a month, raised the matter of belief in Creation in the words "Europe has its own hardcore creationists ... too. Increasingly, they are making their voices heard..." The report, titled "European Creationists Take On Darwin," described how the theory of evolution is increasingly losing support, even in Britain, the theory’s homeland, saying, "the majority of British have their doubts about evolution."
The report also noted how the Council of Europe regarded Harun Yahya's Atlas of Creation and its presence in schools as a threat. Of course the Atlas of Creation is a threat to the Darwinist education system that had deceived Europe for a century and a half. Because the Atlas of Creation has been sufficient all by itself to reveal that evolution is a hoax and to bring the true facts into the light of day. Anyone reading the Atlas of Creation or just browsing a few pages can see the manifest evidence of Creation and immediately understand the truth. That is why Darwinists are right to fear the Atlas of Creation, although the book is spreading in unstoppable waves. One can see this effect with every passing day in Europe, in the rising numbers of believers in Allah and Creation.
Darwinism is the root of terrorism, Islam is the antidote: Harun Yahya - 08.02.2009 Iran/Mehr News
The Mehr News Agency, which publishes in Farsi, English, Turkish, Urdu, German and Arabic, carried an interview by Kourosh Ziabari with Adnan Oktar on 8 February, 2009. (You can read the full text of the interview here.)
Some of the issues emphasized by Adnan Oktar in the interview are as follows:
“Muslims are generally unaware where the troubles are coming from. … When I investigated it I saw that Darwinism lay at the root of all this suffering, trouble, violence and pain as there would be no materialism without Darwinism. Darwinism is essential for materialist philosophy and without materialism there can be no communism, fascism, imperialism, savage capitalism, nor immorality nor terror. These are all inter-related, but because people are ignorant of that, they fail to grasp the importance of the intellectual struggle against Darwinism.”
“Palestine was a training camp for Marxists and communists in the 1980s. In the same way, the socialist Baathist mindset dominated Syria and Iraq for years. Afghanistan was subjected to communist occupation. Some of these people received a Darwinist education in the West and then returned to settle in their Muslim countries. It is always Darwinists today that espouse the killing of the innocent, terror, and anarchy in the supposed name of Islam.”
Adnan Oktar also stated that this Darwinist oppression would end with the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the End Times:
“But our Prophet says that after that, ‘all this will be reversed with the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), one of my children, and that there will come an age of well-being, abundance, peace, plenty, gentleness, and beauty.’”
The Leader of Islamic Creationism, Adnan Oktar - 02.03.2009 Spain/La Vanguardia
The leader of Islamic creationism, Adnan Oktar
"In particular, Darwinism is an element of obscurity rather than enlightenment. It has eliminated people’s tendencies to love Allah and one another. It has destroyed the human soul. It has eliminated the tendency to beauty in people. It has eliminated the conception of friendship and brotherhood. And it has placed Europe in a dark age...
Irreligion is something that deprives people of happiness. People suffer because of irreligion. Darwinism lies at the heart of Marxist and fascist regimes. Darwinism lies at the root of savage capitalism. These are things that inflict suffering and cause bloodshed and oppression. Darwinism intensely encourages this.” (Adnan Oktar, from the La Vanguardia interview)
On 2 March, 2009, La Vanguardia, Spain’s highest circulation daily, carried the notes from Ricardo Gines's interview with Adnan Oktar.
The report was titled "TURKEY REJECTS DARWIN” and went on to say:
Adnan Oktar, the leader of Islamic creationism, warns that evolution constitutes a barrier between Allah and man... A new movement is increasingly gathering many followers: Islamic creationism.
Adnan Oktar, the leader of Islamic creationism, says that evolution represents a barrier between Allah and man…
In his recent interview with La Vanguardia, the powerful creationist Adnan Oktar said, "DARWINISM HAS DESTROYED PEOPLE’S LOVE FOR THE CREATOR AND LED THE WORLD TO A NEW DARK AGE.”
During our conversation Oktar suggested that, "When we look at Marxism, fascism and capitalism we see that Darwinism lies at the root of all these beliefs... It is that which makes people unhappy and wretched today.” People who read Oktar’s books in languages such as Urdu, Arabic, Russian, Serbo-Croat, Spanish and English in countries like India, Indonesia, Turkey and Poland say it is impossible to remain immune to this call.
Muslim Creationism is Becoming Increasingly Visible and Confident - 01.09.2009 United Kingdom/New Humanist
In its September/October 2009 issue, New Humanist magazine published by The Rationalist Association in England with atheist and Darwinists members including Richard Dawkins covered the worldwide anti-Darwinist works of Mr. Adnan Oktar. Despite the delusive libelous statements employed as a method of psychological warfare engaged by the freemasonry, the protector of Darwinism and materialism, they had to admit the worldwide effect of Mr. Adnan Oktar.
Some of the covert admiration statements about Adnan Oktar that are encountered between the lines are as follows:
"the world's most prominent Muslim creationist"
"the larger-than-life figure of Harun Yahya"
"spokesman of Muslim creationism"
"representative of Muslim sentiment"
"alternative to radical Islam"
"modern Turkish-Muslim man"
"a player in global debates about the origins of life and the future of relations between Islam and the West"
"undoubted charisma (something even his most ardent opponents concede)"
"he provides a compelling vision of a superior Islamic science"
"a man of authority and influence, a man confident in his own importance"
Following the publication of Atlas of Creation, the British nation, for the first time, started to seriously query the evolution theory and, in the face of the cogent evidence, has been convinced of the fallacy of Darwinism. In the face of the solid and irrefutable evidence in Mr. Oktar’s works the theory of evolution has been utterly defeated and the whole world has witnessed this fact. It is said thus: "Muslim creationism is becoming increasingly visible and confident… Richard Dawkins himself recognises the impact of this new phenomenon: "There has been a sharp upturn in hostility to teaching evolution in the classroom and it’s mostly coming from Islamic students.""
Some other quotations related to the news is thus:
“On scores of websites and in dozens of books with titles like The Evolution Deceit and The Dark Face of Darwinism…seems to have found its voice.”
“Operating from Istanbul, Yahya is the founder of the Science Research Foundation, an impressive publishing empire that boasts more than 60 websites dedicated to his writings.”
"... where his stalls feature prominently at book fairs."
“... he is treated far more seriously across the Muslim world. From daily newspapers in Egypt and Bosnia to influential satellite TV stations like al-Jazeera and (the Iran-funded) Press TV, to small Muslim broadcasters in the West like Radio Ummah and Radio Ramadan, Harun Yahya’s argument, with its appearance of scientific credibility, its crowd-pleasing critique of Western materialism and its promise of the imminent collapse of the “Darwinist Dictatorship”, is enthusiastically welcomed by a new audience..”
... Yahya is feted by extreme orthodox Sanhedrin Rabbis in Israel for his anti-atheism, and has ambitions to create a Turkish-Islamic union, a new Ottoman Empire girdling the world from Eastern Russia to Western Nigeria, which would unify the Islamic world under Turkish leadership.
In 1998 the Science and Research Foundation, the group Oktar had formed in 1990, launched its campaign against Darwinism… paving the way for the Atlas of Creation and Oktar’s new role as the spokesman for Muslim creationism.
Retired Senator Steve Symms, who described it as “a major influence for good among the younger population of Turkey” and praised its “commitment to democracy, preservation of national and moral values, and respect for law”.
Since then Oktar has become an ardent proponent of interfaith dialogue, attempting to unify believers of all stripes against the corrupting influence of Darwinism, which he now holds responsible for Fascism, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. Most recently, he has been talking about the “Turkish-Islamic Union”…
For the May 3, 2008, issue of New Humanist, please see: