An Anti-Darwin Movement - 22.06.2007 Sweden/Tribune de Genève


The 22 June, 2007, issue of Tribune de Genève, a daily published in the Swiss canton of Geneva, carried an article about the Atlas of Creation. The report stated that in addition to France and Belgium, Atlas of Creation had also been disseminated in Switzerland. The arrival in Europe of Atlas of Creation was described as an “anti-Darwin movement” in the report, which went on to say:

The counter-attack that criticized the theory of evolution has now landed in the Old World... The Council of Europe report says that schools are particular targets in the spread of the belief that the world and man were created by God... Let us make this clear, nothing could be more alarming than this; although the theory of evolution would appear to have put down deep roots in European culture... The result of a study carried out last year by Science magazine revealed that evolution is by no means in an unshakeable position in our continent.

The clear presentation in the Atlas of Creation of evidence that demolishes the theory of evolution and the growth of Creationist belief in Europe have been met by enormous panic. However, it is clear that the evidence of the existence of Allah cannot be concealed by any lie or superstitious belief. The reason behind this panic is that evolutionist fraud that has deceived people under the guise of science has now been brought out into the daylight in this giant work by Harun Yahya.

The Greek Press Are Also Taking an Interest in the Atlas of Creation - 07.02.2009 Greece/Eleftherotypia


Eleftherotypia, one of Greece’s highest-circulation dailies with a social democratic viewpoint has made news on Mr. Adnan Oktar’s book, Atlas of Creation, on its 7 September, 2009 issue. The report described how the book, 800 pages long and weighing 7 kilos, has reached to schools in many European countries such as France, Spain and Germany, and emphasized how author’s works are in great demand by millions of readers.


In Turkey, Fertile Ground for Creationism - 08.11.2009 USA/The Washington Post


On 8 November, 2009, The Washington Post, published in Washington DC and enjoying a global readership as a well-established political daily, carried a report titled “In Turkey, fertile ground for creationism.” The Washington Post, one of America’s three leading dailies with its circulation of around 1 million, carried extracts from an interview with Mr. Adnan Oktar, once again noting the effect of the works of Harun Yahya in the rejection of the theory of evolution:

... creationism ... [has] blossomed within Muslim Turkey... Turks have aggressively made the case that Charles Darwin's theory is scientifically wrong and is the underlying source of most of the world's conflicts because it excludes God from human affairs.


... The Islamic anti-evolution campaign is taking place in Turkey, and not Egypt or Saudi Arabia...

... In a year in which conferences worldwide are celebrating the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth and his contribution to science, THE BATTLE AGAINST DARWINIAN THINKING IN TURKEY HAS BECOME SOMETHING OF A ROUT, EVEN AMONG ASPIRING SCIENCE TEACHERS.

... "Why I'm so interested in seeing creationism succeed in Turkey is that evolution is an evil concept that has done such damage to society," said [John] Morris, a Christian ...

The most visible Turkish proponent of creationism is... Adnan Oktar, who writes and appears daily on his own two-hour television show under the alias Harun Yahya. He and a revolving group of about 30 writers and young scientists have produced more than 200 widely distributed books and videos attacking evolution as equivalent to atheism, communism and worse.

In 2006, Oktar CREATED AN INTERNATIONAL STIR... Published on almost 800 pages of glossy stock, the "Atlas of Creation" sets out to show that creatures today are essentially the same as those that lived, and became fossilized, eons ago...

Speaking in his home and television studio overlooking the Bosporus, Oktar asserted responsibility for "defeating" Darwinism in Turkey... HE HAS CREATED A FAR-REACHING ANTI-EVOLUTION EMPIRE, he said, while American creationists and advocates of intelligent design still struggle to be heard.

The 53-year-old Oktar, dressed entirely in white, said he is not a scientist but an author "following the path of Allah." ...


Adnan Oktar, who as Harun Yahya is Turkey's best-known and most assertive
critic of evolution, says he is "following the path of Allah."

Adnan Oktar Challenges Dawkins to a Public Debate - 08.08.2008 United Kingdom/Islam Channel


Islam Channel, a British TV channel based in London and providing news about the Islamic world, reported in a news bulletin on 8 August, 2008, that Adnan Oktar had challenged Richard Dawkins to a debate, but that Dawkins had declined to take pasrt.

Further detail is available from here.


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Turkish Islamic Scholar Challenges the Theory of Darwin - 09.12.2008 Other/Pajhwork Afghan News


Pajhwok Afghan News, independent news agency of Afghanistan based in Kabul, published an item about Harun Yahya revealing the lies of the theory of evolution. It was reported that the author has said in one of his interviews, “In ten years time Darwinism will be history and people will only read about Darwinism as a piece of history... Darwinism experienced a solid collapse all over the world... There are 100 million fossils proving this world came into being as a result of God’s creationism and not because of evolution.” The item, which referred to the effect of the Atlas of Creation all over the world, also acknowledged that the author is challenging the theory of evolution.pajhwokafghan_091208

Harun Yahya Works in Sharjah Book Fair - 12.10.2003 United Arab Emirates/Gulfnews


Gulfnews, the English daily published in United Arab Emirates, carried a story dated October 12, 2003 about the International Book Fair that was organised by the Sharjah government since 1982. It was noted that the books of the well-known Turkish author Harun Yahya, translated in many languages, were displayed in the fair that was attended by 42 countries with approxmately 400.000 visitors.


The Collapse of Evolutionary Theory on Russian Agenda - 23.01.2008 Ukraine/

vlasti_logo, the Russian news portal, which is prepared in Ukraine by a group of senior journalists, carried an article titled “The Collapse of Evolutionary Theory on Russian Agenda”, which was also published in the Russian newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda.The article emphasized that scientists are aware of evidences of God and are of opinion that the Earth did not come to being as a matter of course, but rather it was specially created by a supreme Creator. It was also noted that the effect of Adnan Oktar’s work was the reason for this increase in faith in God. In addition, the works of the writer were mentioned as:

After the title “Was Darwin not telling the truth?”, it was reported as:

Some blog sites in Russia were recently discussing a fascinating work published on the web called “The Collapse of Evolutionary Theory”. The writer is the President of Science Research Foundation in Turkey, Adnan Oktar. This book was published a few years ago; translated into 13 languages and distributed in 54 countries. The subject and purpose of the book is to reveal the deceits of Darwinism...

If Darwin’s theory is wrong, then as I’m convinced with Oktar’s book, the Creator of and the Almighty intelligence in the universe can only be God...

Doctor Oktar writes: “In Darwin’s time living things were examined with primitive microscopes and the theory was mostly based on Darwin’s imagination. Those days humanity had no knowledge of the DNA and genetic information.” Today scientists find the influence of a Creator instead of accidental processes.


150-Year Theory a Subject for Mockery - 12.02.2009 Denmark/Dagbladet Information


Dagbladet Information, published in Copenhagen and with a daily readership of around 110,000, carried an article on 12 February, 2009, titled "Congratulations Darwin, You Are a Liar.” The report described Harun Yahya's anti-Darwinist activities as follows:

The world is today celebrating Darwin’s 200th birthday. Impressive celebrations are taking place in some countries, but this 150-YEAR-OLD THEORY IS THE SUBJECT OF MOCKERY AND TOTALLY REJECTED IN OTHERS ...

A famous anti-Darwinist

The Muslim and anti-Darwinist Adnan Oktar has now stepped up his activities. In particular, he is the individual behind the web site that never fails to examine any of the reports concerning Darwin that have recently been appearing in the media on an intensive basis.

Today, when these 200th anniversary celebrations are taking place, the TURKISH ADNAN OKTAR HAS RECENTLY CHALLENGED THE WORLD’S SCIENTISTS TO PRODUCE EVIDENCE PROVING DARWIN’S THEORY. In a statement to The Guardian newspaper he said, “I will give 10 trillion Turkish lira if they can do this.”

As one of the world’s best-known anti-Darwinists he has earned an enormous success with his statements and newly published books. His chez d’oeuvre is the giant 7 kg and 786 page Atlas of Creation. The book contains pictures of fossils and maintains that man never underwent any physical evolution and is the same now as he was 100 million years ago.information_120209

The Turkish Author Harun Yahya Is the Central Focus of Anti-Evolution Debates - 01.01.2010 Egypt/Egypt Today


The January 2010 issue of Egypt Today, published in Cairo since 1979 with a circulation of some 15,000 and with subscribers in 40 countries, carried a report concerning the way the theory of evolution is not widely accepted in the Muslim world. The report stated that the Turkish author Harun Yahya is the central focus of the anti-evolution debates in the Middle East. The fact that the author’s works have been translated into many languages and are easily accessible on the internet was described as one reason behind the spread of anti-evolution ideas.
