Creationism Emerges in the Islamic World - 03.11.2009 USA/The New York Times


The New York Times, which is one of the largest dailies in the US, published in the New York City and has a circulation of over 1 million published an article named “Creationism, Minus a Young Earth, Emerges in the Islamic World” on November 3, 2009. The article talked about Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Atlas of Creation and the global impact of his anti-Darwinist activities. In the article in question, it is emphasized that the number of people who do not believe in Darwinism increased and the theory of evolution is questioned more among the students:

Creationism is growing in the Muslim world, from Turkey to Pakistan to Indonesia, international academics said last month as they gathered here to discuss the topic… More and more seem to be joInIng the ranks of the…old-Earth creatIonIsts. They quarrel with…biologists, insisting that life is the creation of God, not the happenstance consequence of random occurrences.

The situation in Turkey is different and changed only in the past couple of decades… Harun Yahya, a TurkIsh creatIonIst of the old-Earth varIety, has gaIned promInence In Turkey and elsewhere. A quarter of a world away, most of the biology teachers in Indonesia use Mr. Yahya’s creatIonIst books in their classrooms, the McGill researchers found…

There is some indication that in the West…Islamic creationism may be stronger. For example, high school students at Islamic schools in and near Toronto were far more doubting of evolution than students in Indonesia or Pakistan, the McGill researchers found...

Evolution's classroom crisis - 15.11.2009 United Kingdom/The Guardian


The November 15, 2009, edition of the website of The Guardian newspaper, a left-wing British daily, carried a report titled, "Evolution's classroom crisis." The report on the web site, which attracts some 20 million visitors a month, went on to say: "Surveys show that, around the world, teachers and students are rejecting evolution. The results are likely to be dire." For Darwinist-materialist circles to regard these results as “dire” clearly reveals how the mask of Darwinism falsehood has dropped and the panic with which these findings have been received. This panic, which began with Harun Yahya's Atlas of Creation, is growing by the day with the spread of the signs of the fact of Creation and the exposure of Darwinist frauds. Indeed, the global collapse of Darwinism was once again heralded in this report:

... They showed to what extent evolution was accepted among students and teachers in Muslim-majority countries. Not much. But then the US was no better, observed Rosenau. It languished in the bottom five of industrialised countries accepting evolution. The others were Turkey, Cyprus, Latvia and Lithuania.

In Indonesia there was open resistance, said Wiles [from the Evolution Education Research Centre (EERC)]. The leader of one student body objected to EERC's very presence on campus. "Don't give the survey here! How can you believe we are from apes?" he cried. The students rallied behind him. MOST OF THE INDONESIAN TEACHERS SURVEYED USED THE WORKS OF HARUN YAHYA IN SCIENCE CLASSES... all Egyptian biology teachers [surveyed] opposed evolution.

Nidhal Guessoum intervened to say that ISLAMIC CREATIONISM was … not the same as US creationism, WHICH WAS PEDDLED BY HARUN YAHYA.
